After the period of emergency, the museum at the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives enriches its multimedia exhibit with new contents that visitors can enjoy through a QR code system, in complete safety, directly from own smartphone.
The online contents will alternate with those on the site to accompany the visitor in his experience at ilCartastorie. Explanatory and didactic videos, but also further stories taken from the documents of the Archive.
Among these the docufilm developed within the university project “Obvia- Out of boundaries diffusion of viral art“, “The genesis of MANN. A journey with ilCartastorie”, produced by the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.
The videos recreate the enthusiasm for the archaeological discoveries of the Vesuvian city during the reign of Charles III (1734-1758) and the atmosphere of the time in the French decade (1806-1815).
Information box
The French Dominio of the Kingdom is known as French Decade. With the definition the scholars point the period, between 30 March 1806 and 20 May 1815, in which Giuseppe Bonaparte and Gioacchino Murat were sat on the throne of Naples. The French occupation of 1806 brought the continental part of the Kingdom (Sicily remained in the hands of the Bourbon dynasty) into the Napoleonic imperial system and involved – especially during the rule of Murat (1808-1815) – the assumption of a series of reforms typical of the new conception of the state matured in France after French Revolution (1789).