The Museum of the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives at Comicon
An agreement was signed by ilCartastorie | Museum at the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives and Comicon (by Visiona Società Cooperativa arl) for the creation of a “Cartoon tour” within the Archives. Promotion for the intitiative was launched during the 19th edition of the Salone Internazionale del Fumetto (International Comics Festival), which took place from April 28 to May 1, at the Mostra d’Oltremare di Napoli. Participants found information on all the Comicon channels, and in the Comicon Survival Kit pass holders found a discount coupon giving them free access to visit ilCartastorie, as long as the lucky coupon winner is accompanied by a paying guest.
The “Cartoon tour” in the Archives, which will open in September (dates to be announced very soon), will include the participation of cosplayer (guides dressed as comic-book characters) who will take guests on a special visit with stories and anecdotes coming out of the 330 rooms of the largest historical bank archives at the Banco di Napoli. “We are happy to announce this collaboration with Comicon, because they are popular with the very same young people we would like see getting involved in our cultural activities. Young people who, we are sure, will discover how interesting a bank archives can be, thanks to the incredible and imaginative stories that animate them.” said the president of the ilCartastorie and the Banco di Napoli Foundation, Daniele Marrama.