(Italiano) Il Caravaggio di Manara
Milo Manara at the Museum of the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives
Twelve appointments proposed by COMICON for Caravaggio by Milo Manara, which will be inside the rooms of ilCartastorie | Museum of the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, every Saturday, from 9 December 2017 to 24 February 2018.
Reservations available via this link –> https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-il-caravaggio-di-manara-a-ilcartastorie-40733068705
Ticket prices:
adults 7,00 € / 13 – 17 years 5,00 € / 0 – 12 years: free
In the hallways of the Archives eight visitors will find eight original illustrations extracted from the cartoonists work entitled “Caravaggio. La tavolozza e la spada” (Caravaggio. The Palette and the Sword), as well as eight unpublished illustrations, in an exclusive preview, which will be included in a second volume dedicated to the celebrated artist, to be published soon by Panini Comics Italia, under the title “La grazia”(Grace). Among these, there will be illustrations regarding the Neapolitan roots of his painting “Le sette opere di Misericordia” (The Seven Works of Mercy).
The exhibition of Manara’s work will be set in the suggestive atmosphere and sounds of an ancient bank: the public will therefore have the opportunity to see the original documents outlining the description and the payment history of the celebrated work of Caravaggio.
Upon acquisition of the appropriate ticket, visitors can enjoy a guided tour by the Cultural Association NarteA including the permanent multimedia exhibition Kaleidos by Stefano Gargiulo Kaos Productions, the heart of the Museum of the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives.
The initiative is a perfect example of the fulfillment of the objectives posed by ilCartastorie: to promote the written documents held at the Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, which contain the history of Naples and Southern Italy from 1500 to today – through the most diverse artistic forms. With COMICON, the aim is to tell the stories contained within the Archives through the exciting medium of comics, combining culture and entertainment.
Group tours in English can be scheduled by calling the following number:
Info: +39 081 450732 int.4